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First Update!

Welcome to my first update! This is the first post on this blog and I am excited to see where this website goes!

So, first I want to talk about the website itself.

It really it anything special, but being that neocities has a storage limit of 1GB for the free tier, I wanted to reduce the amount of space needed to store the website as much as possible I want to continue to improve the space usage, but here is what I came up with!


I know they already exists, but most librarys that I found were too big for my liking, so I made my own! It's a super simple javascript file and all it does it load the base html and then the page html into the base html.

This way, I can have a single file for the header and footer and then just have the content in the page html file.

Thats about it, everything else is pretty standard, it's a statically served website, so there is no backend to speak of. All blog posts are just html files. When I want to update them I just edit the html and add the blog post to the blogs page.

What's next?

I am working on the projects page as of writing this, so that will be the next update. The first project I want to do a write up on is a engine simulator clone I am working on. I though it would be a lot of fun to challenege myself with the more complex mathematics behind it, and it just sounded like fun! So that will be the next update, stay tuned!